Monday, January 30, 2017

What you need to do after buying a car?

What you need to do after buying a car

A common problem for a novice motorist is simple questions about the first month of using the car. The rules of driving are told in details by instructors in driving schools, dealers have picked up the ideal vehicle for you, but what to do next is unknown. After buying a car, no matter whether it is a used model or just off the assembly line, there is a whole list of necessary items, a solution to which not every new car owner knows. In this material, we'll talk about what you need to take care of first of all after buying a car.

There are many different factors that "compete" in the degree of importance. This concerns the timely provision of maintenance, car registration, detection and prevention of malfunctions and malfunctions. Depending on the car purchased (its age), the number and nature of these nuances may differ. We will try to answer the most common questions that may arise at the initial stage of car ownership.

Registration after purchase of the car

What do you need after buying a car? The purchased car must be registered, otherwise we will not be allowed to operate it. When registering all documents when registering, pay extreme attention to the completion of all data. They must be completely identical to the corresponding values ​​on the body and engine rooms.

However, if your car already owned the owner before you, you can not do with registration of the license plate. Make sure that there are no debts and penalties that could be imposed until your ownership. Usually, a similar sheet is provided before the execution of the contract of sale (the owner of the car must obtain the necessary information in the tax).

Registration of insurance

The next item that some include in the item "Vehicle registration" is the registration of compulsory insurance. You can formalize it at the official representatives in the showroom (many companies conclude mutually beneficial contracts), or on car markets / central insurance offices. It is very important to take care of the car from the first minutes after the purchase, since you can get into an undesirable accident even by making a careful move.

In the event that you become the owner of a car on which the previous owner has issued the policy of OSAGO, you can use the services of the old policy for 10 days. At the end of this period, you must necessarily reissue the policy in your name. It implies compensation for damage caused to you by another car owner. You, in case of an accident, on the conclusion of this type of contract compensation is not provided. This type of insurance is mandatory, and is designed for civil liability insurance.

In addition to the above OSAGO, you can choose and CASCO. Unlike the first one, this type of insurance is voluntary, and allows you to receive compensation from the company that concluded the contract with you, in the event of risks (from the occurrence of physical damage to car theft). The procedure, as well as the amount of compensation for the loss is determined by the provisions of the contract concluded with the insurer company.

Thorough cleaning of the car inside and out

Consider this item for cars purchased in authorized stores, we will not. The machine purchased from scratch was not in use, and can not have consequences in a priori. But with a used vehicle everything is different. As a rule, anyone interested in the successful sale of their goods, the seller lends to produce the desired effect on the potential buyer. The neat appearance of such cars, in a larger percentage of cases, lasts for the next week, and the first shortcomings become visible even earlier.

To verify the actual absence of dirt, deposits of different nature and other deficiencies, you can contact a specialized car wash service. In the price list of many showrooms there are options to wash not only the interior, but also to clean the body, the trunk compartment, and even the engine compartment (in more detail you can read about the dry engine washing here).

The second popular solution to this problem is self-cleaning your own car. It is very important to approach this moment responsibly: a simple surface cleaning of covers, thresholds and rugs in this situation will not work. First, you need to remove the floor mats to get to hard-to-reach sources of dirt. In addition, special attention is paid to the upholstery of the salon (and other non-standard places for washing), since it was most likely that the past owner had no time to clean it.

Anticorrosion treatment

Many motorists after buying a car "with hands" often ask the question "what to do after buying a car in which the noise insulation is damaged, and when driving in the cabin you hear a roar?". Typically, the problem is that on the metal sheet, which once provided the function of noise suppression, damage to the structure (cracks, holes) resulted from corrosion processes.

In such situations, a complete replacement of the floor covering is desirable. But, additional spending, especially after buying an expensive car, is not particularly encouraging prospects. In such cases, a rational solution will be to treat the areas where corrosion has occurred, as well as the area close to them, to stop spreading it. Specially for this, active solutions are sold, which stop the corrosion processes without damaging the metal itself. Quite often, in order to increase noise insulation, a material is used on top of the metal layer, which additionally absorbs vibrations. This can be ordinary layers of stretched film, or more modern anti-noise materials, which also keep heat.

Integrated maintenance of all vehicle systems

But with this point you should be extremely responsible. As before, this item will interest car owners who already have a run before buying. The option "I'll make myself cheaper", here, as a rule, does not work. It is very important to trust knowledgeable car repair shops, according to the recommendations of friends or forums. It is here that you must pass your first maintenance (maintenance). In the case of defects in the diagnosis, it is very important to proceed to their immediate elimination. What is important to pay attention to:

Starting and charging system (AKBB, car generator);
The ignition system (check of spark plugs, chambers, a corner of an advancing);
Engine (valves, radiator, filters, manifold, etc.);
Safety system (this includes both the brake system, and tire pressure indicators, the integrity of the fuel tank, etc.);
Transmission system (availability of lubricant, unit integrity);
Electrical system (presence of corrosive manifestations on parts).
In addition, it is important to notice the hidden damage to the bodywork of the car after an accident, as well as the quality of replaceable and consumable materials that are used (used) by the car.

After making sure that there are no malfunctions, go to the replacement of consumables. Regardless of the assurances of the past owner, as well as the state of the materials, they in any case need to be replaced. As a rule, these are filters (oil, air, fuel, HBO filter) and technical fluids (primarily motor oil, gear lubricant, antifreeze, brake fluid and hydraulic fluid).

Check of brakes and tires

The next thing you need after buying a car is diagnosing tires and brakes. Regarding the first part - the wheels, it is important to take time to check all the details, even the smallest ones. This concerns both the possible external deformations and the shape as a whole. On the tire there should be no damage to the base (the body of the tire), both in the middle and inside. In addition, the depth of the tread should be within the limits of the established SDA. Take into account the seasonal nature of the rubber used, because often the grief-sellers are so busy with a potential transaction that they forget to "re-buy" their goods.

It is desirable to check the brakes before and after changing the brake fluid to notice the difference and possible malfunctions in the braking system. Some SRTs offer professional testing of each wheel and their braking function. Do it yourself and yourself: before the ignition, hold the brake pedal, and then start the car. The pedal should not fail after a few seconds of retention. In addition, examine the drums themselves and pads. The degree of wear is usually visible to the naked eye.

What you need to buy in the car

The main actions after buying a car we made: the car is registered, insured, washed and processed, inspected for a lack of technical malfunctions and pre-prepared for operation. It remains only to take care of the equipment, both necessary and optional. To the standard set, which is prescribed in the rules of the road, like a first-aid kit, a fire extinguisher, an emergency stop sign, take care of equipping your car with additional tools for basic repairs in places that require urgent intervention (jack, pump, tow rope, etc.).

It will not be superfluous to get a spare wheel, in case of breaking through some on the way. Some advise to acquire a crankshaft position sensor. Also, basic items, like containers with distilled water, sponges, etc. Will not be superfluous, and will not take up much space in the luggage compartment.

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